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Vu exam demo complete guideline

VU exam demo complete guideline

Dear VU (Virtual University of PakistanStudents here you will learn aboutVirtual University of Pakistan Exam (Testing & Examination System)Demo. How to attempt Virtual University Exam. (VU STUDY HOSUE) Provide Complete Guidelines and easy steps.

Step No.1
  • Login and enter the Exam id and password.

Step No.2
  • Before starting exam please read the given instructions carefully.

Step No.3
  • The Main Paper Screen has different sections of Information I.e. Question, Answer boxes and navigating buttons etc.

Step No.4
  • This TOP section of Main Screen
  • 1. Course Description including Course Code and Title
  • 2. Student Id & Name
  • 3. Current Question No. and Total No. of Questions
  • 4. Marks and Budgeted Time for question

Step No.5:
This BOTTOM section of the main screen contains
  • Timer having Start Time and Time Left
  • Instructions Button
  • Question Navigation buttons to move to Next or Previous Question (Buttons Sequence: First, Previous, Next, Last)
  • Save Answer Button
  • (Remember to press Save button every time when you edit your answer/answer option)
  • Status of Attempted / Un-attempted Questions
  • Conduct Instruction
  • Finish Exam link

Step No.6:
  • The instruction icon available in the bottom of the Main Screen will allow the student to open and read the Software related instructions.

Step No.7:
  • Select the desired option by clicking the radio button
  • Press the    button to save the selected option
  • Use Navigation buttons to move to previous or Next Question

Step No.8:
  • Press “Click here” to enable the text editor of answer panel to write the answer
  • Standard Toolbar of the text editor for various options
  • Text Formatting toolbar of the text editor

Step No.9:
  • Write the answer in this answer panel 
  • (Use Crtl+C and Crtl+V to Copy & Paste from other software if applicable.)
  • Press Save button
  • Use Navigation Buttons to move to Previous or Next Question

Step No.10:
  • Click on the Finish icon of the bottom section of the paper
  • Information panel display the No. of questions attempted
  • Click RESUME button if you want to continue the paper

Step No.11:
  • Submit the paper after reading all the warnings and dually confirmed.
  • Click the checkbox to enable the Finish button
  • Click FINISH button to finish Exam
  • Click OK button to dually confirm the Finish exam

Step No.12:
  • Fill the feedback (if available) form related to the exam and submit.

Step No.13:

If information were helpful for you please share it with your friends. Thank You.

Video tutorial 

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