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Final term solved papers reference moaaz and waqar siddhu


Dear VU Students here you can read and download mid term All Subject VU Solved Papers Reference by Moaaz and Waqar Siddhu. easily you can download Final Term Solved Papers Reference by Moaaz and Waqar Siddhu Click the download button and download Solved Final Term Papers reference by Moaaz and Waqar Siddhu. you can also download Final term Solved Papers by Moaaz and Waqar Sidhu. 


CS001 – Computer Proficiency License
  • Waqar Sidhu Files                    Download
  • Midterm Other Solved              Download

CS101 – Introduction to Computing
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

CS201 – Introduction to Programming
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download

CS301 – Data Structures
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaz Files                            Download

CS302 – Digital Logic & Design
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download

CS304 – Object Oriented Programming
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download

CS401 – Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download

CS402 – Theory of Automata
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download

CS403 – Database Management System
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download

CS408 – Human Computer Interaction
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

CS411 – Visual Programming
  • Other Students Files             Download

CS501 – Advance Computer Architecture
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
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CS502 – Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download

CS504 – Software Engineering – 1
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

CS506 – Web Design and Development
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download

CS507 – Information System
  • Other Students Files             Download

CS508 – Modern Programming Languages
  • Other VU Students               Download

CS601 – Data Communication
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download

CS602 – Computer Graphics
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download

CS604 – Operating System
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download

CS605 – Software Engineering-II
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download

CS606 – Compiler Construction
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download

CS607 – Artificial Intelligence
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download

CS609 – System Programming
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download

CS610 – Computer Networks
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Maaz Files                            Download

CS614 – Data Warehousing
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download

CS615 – Software Project Management
  • Waqar Siddhu Files              Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

CS702 – Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design
  • Other Students Files             Download

MGT101 – Financial Accounting – I
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MGT201 – Financial Management
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MGT211 – Introduction to Business
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MGT301 – Principles of Marketing
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MGT401 – Financial Accounting – II
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MGT402 – Cost & Management Accounting
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MGT411 – Money & Banking
  • Waqar Siddu Files                Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MGT501 – Human Resource Management
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MGT502 – Organizational Behavior
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MGT503 – Principles of Management
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MGT510 – Total Quality Management
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MGT601 – SME Management
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MGT602 – Entrepreneurship
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MGT603 – Strategic Management
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MGT610 – Business Ethics
  • Other Students Files             Download

MGT611 – Business and Labour Laws
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MGT613 – Production and Operations Management
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download                           

PSY101 – Introduction to Psychology
  • Other Students Files             Download

PSY401 – Clinical Psychology
  • Other Students Files             Download

PSY402 – Experimental Psychology
  • Other Students Files             Download

PSY403 – Social Psychology
  • Other Students Files             Download

PSY404 – Abnormal Psychology
  • Other Students Files             Download

PSY405 – Personality Psychology
  • Other Students Files             Download

PSY407 – Sport Psychology
  • Other Students Files             Download

PSY408 – Health Psychology
  • Other Students Files             Download

PSY502 – History & Systems of Psychology
  • Other Students Files             Download

PSY504 – Cognitive Psychology
  • Other Students Files             Download

PSY610 – Neurological Bases of Behavior
  • Other Students Files             Download

MTH001 – Elementary Mathematics
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MTH101 – Calculus and Analytical Geometry
  • Other Students Files             Download

MTH202 – Discrete Mathematics
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download

MTH301 – Calculus II
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download

MTH302 – Business Mathematics & Statistics
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MTH401 – Business Mathematics & Statistics
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MTH501 -Linear Algebra
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MTH601 – Operations Research
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MTH603 – Numerical Analysis
  • Other Students Files             Download

MCM101 – Introduction to Mass Communication
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download

MCM301 – Communication Skills
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MCM310 – Journalistic Writing
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download

MCM311 – Reporting and Sub editing
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download

MCM404 – Globalization of Media
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download

MCM411 – Introduction to Broadcasting
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download

MCM431 – Development Communication
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download

MCM511 – Theories of Communication
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download

MCM514 – Feature & Column Writing
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download

MCM515 – Radio News Reporting & Production
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download  

MKT501 – Marketing Management
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MKT610 – Customer Relationship Management
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files              Download
MKT621 – Advertising and Promotion
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MKT624 – Brand Management
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

ECO401 – Introduction to Economics
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

ECO402 – Micro Economics
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

ECO403 – Macroeconomics
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

ENG001 – Elementary English
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download

ENG101 – English Comprehension
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download

ENG201 – Business and Technical English
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download

  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

HRM611 – Human Relations
  • Other Students Files             Download

HRM624 – Conflict Management
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

HRM627 – Human Resource Development
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

MGMT510 – Total Quality Management
  • Other Students Files             Download

MGMT611 – Human Relations
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files              Download

MGMT625 – Change Management
  • Other Students Files             Download

MGMT627 – Project Management
  • Other Students Files             Download

  • Other Students Files             Download

ACC501 – Business Finance
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

PHY301 – Circuit Theory
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download                     

SOC101 – Introduction to Sociology
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

STA301 – Statistics and Probability
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Moaaz Files                          Download

STA630 – Research Methods
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

PAK301 – Pakistan Studies
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

ISL201 – Islamic Studies
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

FIN611 – Advance Financial Accounting
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

FIN621 – Financial Statement Analysis
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

FIN622 – Corporate Finance
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

FIN623 – Taxation Management
  • Waqar Siddhu Files               Download
  • Other Students Files             Download

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