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Short introduction of vu courses 

ACC311 : Fundamentals of Auditing

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Fundamentals of auditing (An introduction), Objective and General Principles Governing, Reasonable Assurance, Legal Consideration regarding Auditing Rights, Duties and Liabilities of Auditor, Liabilities of an Auditor, Books of Account & Financial Statements, Understanding the Entity and Its Environment, Documenting the Internal Control System, Evaluating the Internal Control System, Internal Control Questionnaire, Audit Tests, Substantive Procedures Audit Evidence, Sufficient Appropriate Audit Evidence & Testing the Sales System. Testing The Sales System, Testing the Purchases System, Testing the Payroll System, Testing the Cash System, Testing Other Systems, Testing the Non-Current Assets, Verification Approach of Audit, Verification of Assets, Letter of Representation & Verification of Liabilities, Verification of Equity, Verification of Bank Balances, Verification of Stock-In-Trade and Store & Spares, Audit Sampling, Statistical Sampling, Considering the Work of Internal Auditing, Audit Planning, Planning an Audit of Financial Statements, Audits of Small Entities, Auditor’s Report on a Complete Set of General Purpose Financial Statements, Modified Auditor’s Report.

Recommended Books/Material

  • International Standards on Auditing by Jafar Husanin (PAC)
  • Principles of Auditing by Prof. Dr. Khawaja Amjad Saeed

ACC501 : Business Finance

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Introduction to Business Finance, Business Organizations, Financial Markets and Financial Statements, Income Statement and Taxes, Financial Cash Flows and Cash Flow Statement, Financial Statement Analysis, Ratio Analysis, The Du Pont Identity, Using Financial Statement Information, Time Value of Money, Discounted Cash Flow Valuation, Annuities Cash Flow, Perpetuities, Loans, Bonds and Valuing Bonds, Bond Price Theorems, Bond Indenture, Bond Ratings, Different Types of Bonds, Determinants of Term Structure, Equity Markets and Stock Valuation, Some Special Cases in Stock Valuation, NPV and Payback Rule, Average Accounting Return and Internal Rate of Return, Capital Budgeting, Making Capital Investment Decision, Pro Forma Financial Statements, Depreciation, Capital Investment Decisions, Returns, Variability of Returns ,Portfolio, Risk, Weighted Average Cost of Capital, Capital Structure, Business and Financial Risk, Bankruptcy Costs, Static Theory of Capital Structure, Operating Cycle and Cash Cycle, Short-Term Financial Policy, Short-Term Borrowing, Float and Cash Management, Credits and Receivables, Inventory Management.

Recommended Books/Material

  • Fundamentals of Financial Management by Van Horne and John M.Wachowicz, Jr.
  • Financial management: Theory and practice (Reference book) by Brigham, E. F., & Ehrhardt, M. C.
  • Principles of Managerial finance by Lawerence J Gitman
  • Essentials of Corporate Finance by Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W. & Jordan, B.D.

ACF619 : Final Project- Accounting & Finance

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Recommended Books/Material
      No Details Available

ACFI619 : Internship Report-Accounting & Finance

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Recommended Books/Material
      No Details Available

BNK601 : Banking Laws & Practices

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Course Management, Legal System of Pakistan, Financial System & Banking, Financial Instruments & Banking Laws & Practices, Evolution of Banking, The Banks (Nationalization) Act 1974, Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962, State Bank of Pakistan Act, 1956, SBP Banking Services Corporation Ordinance, 2001, Pakistan Banking and Finance Services Commission Act, 1992, Microfinance Institutions Ordinance, 2001, Banker-Customer Relationship, Negotiable Instruments, Parties to Promisery Notes,Bills and Cheques, Principles and Forms of Lending, Letter of Credit continued, Uniform customs and practices for documentary credit, Designing Legal Documents, Prudential Regulations of SBP, Guidelines for Banks by SBP, The Financial Institutions ordinance 2001, Ancilliary Statut

Recommended Books/Material

  • Complete Banking Laws in Pakistan by Justice (RETD) Muhammad Naseem Chaudhri
  • Practice and Law of Banking in Pakistan by Asrar H. Siddiqui
  • Manual of Banking with Leading Cases (Reference book) by Saalim Salam Ansari Advocate
  • The Law of Banks by Shaukat Mahmood, Nadeem Shaukat

BNK603 : Consumer Banking

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Consumer Banking, Profit Boosters, Consumer, Consumer Rights & Protection, Key Issues in CB --- Consumers Perspective, Emerging Issues in Retail Banking, Structure of Bank Credit Risk --- An Overview, Consumer Lending Basics / Credit Scoring Methodology, Costing / Pricing of CB Products, Bank Schedule of Charges, Consumer Financing in Pakistan Issues, Challenges and Way Forward Study / Report, Code of Consumer Banking Practice: The Association of Banks in Singapore, Growth Strategy in Retail Banking Structured Relationship Approach, Growth Agenda in Financial Industry, Capturing Consumer Finance Opportunities in Emerging Markets, India Consumer Banking Landscape, The Next 4 Billion Market Size & Business Strategy at the Base of the Pyramid an IFC/World Resources Institute Report (2007), Market-Based Approach for Poverty Reduction, Financial Services Market within BOP, Reflection Time, SBP Risk Management Guidelines, ERM: Development & Implementation of “Integrated Approaches” to Measure and Manage Risks across the Enterprise, Risk Appetite: How Hungry are you?, A Structured Approach to Establishing a Risk Appetite Statement, ERM at Asian Banks from Challenges to Strategies a Study by Asia Risk Management Institute (ARMI), Service Management Breaking the Trade-off between Efficiency and Service, Sales & Service Structure, Moments of Truth in Retail Banking……Managing Customer Interactions to Enhance Loyalty, Satisfaction & Share of the Wallet, Food for Thought, Housing/Mortgage Finance in Pakistan, Global Perspective on Managing Mortgage Profitability Retail Banks at a Crossroad in 2009 Principal Findings, Auto Financing/Leasing In Pakistan, SBP Operational Guidelines for Credit Cards Business in Pakistan, Building Consumer Trust in Retail Payments, Evolving Models of Retail Banking Distribution Capitalizing on Changes in Channel Usage, Fit, Focused and Ready to Fight How Banks can get in Shape for the Battle Ahead……

Recommended Books/Material

  • Retail Banking by Pond, Keith
  • The art of better retail banking by Croxford,Hugh; Abramson,Frank; Jablonowski,Alex

BNK619 : Final Project-Banking

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Recommended Books/Material
      No Details Available

BNK620 : Final Project-Banking

06 Credit Hours

Course Content

Recommended Books/Material
      No Details Available

BNKI619 : Internship Report-Banking

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Recommended Books/Material
      No Details Available

BNKI620 : Internship Report-Banking

06 Credit Hours

Course Content

Recommended Books/Material
      No Details Available

COM619 : Final Project-Commerce

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Recommended Books/Material
      No Details Available

COMI619 : Internship Report-Commerce

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Recommended Books/Material
      No Details Available

CS001 : VU-Computer Proficiency License

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Module 01
Introduction to Computers
Input Devices
Pointing Devices  

Module 02 
Using the Computer & Managing Files 
Introduction to Desktop Environment 
Organizing Files  
Print Management 

Module 03 
Word processing
Using Application 
Preparing Outputs 
Mail Merge

Module 04 
Saving an Excel File
Creating Complex Formula 
Sorting Data

Module 05 
Move, Copy or Delete the text  
Change Preset Animation Effect 

Module 06 
Internet and Communication
Web Navigation 
Search Engines 
Email Application
Electronic Mail 
Mail Management 

Recommended Books/Material

  • VU CPL Course Book by Virtual University of Pakistan

CS101 : Introduction to Computing

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Introduction and Evolution of Computing, Computer Systems and its Components, Computer Hardware and Software, Binary Numbers and Logic Operations, Developing a Web Page using HTML, Operating Systems, JavaScript Interactive forms and Event Handling, Word Processing and Desktop Publishing, Spreadsheets, Developing Presentations, Introduction to Algorithms, Software Development Methodologies, Design Heuristics, Web Design for Usability, Arrays, Computer Networks, Internet Services, Graphics, Images and Animations, Intelligence Systems in computing, Data Management, Database Software, Cyber Crime, Social Implications of Computing, The Future of Computing

Recommended Books/Material

  • Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow by Charles S. Parker
  • Learn JavaScript in a Weekend by Jerry Lee Ford, Jr. Prima Tech

CS201 : Introduction to Programming

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Introduction, Software Categories / History of C / IDE, Starting to 'C', Expressions and Operators, Decisions, Repetition Structures, Loops and Operators, Switch Statement, Functions, Arrays, Pointers, Strings, String Manipulation Functions, File Handling, Structures, Bit Manipulation, Pre-processor Directives and Macros, Dynamic Memory Allocation using C, Structured Programming, Classes and Objects, Memory Allocation in C++, Friend Functions, Reference Data Type, Arrays of Objects, Streams, Stream Manipulation, Overloading Insertion and Extraction Operators, User Defined Manipulators, Copy Constructor & Assignment Operator, Template Functions, Template Classes

Recommended Books/Material

  • C++ How to Program by Deitel And Deitel
  • The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie

CS301 : Data Structures

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Introduction, The Array data type, The List abstract data type (ADT), Linked lists, Stacks, Queues, Trees, AVL Trees ,Huffman encoding , The Heap ADT, Priority queue implementation using the heap ADT, The Disjoint Sets ADT, The Table ADT, Implementation using arrays, Skip lists, Table ADT implementation using Hashing, Collision resolution in Hashing, Other uses of Hashing, Sorting, and Selection sort, Insertion sort, Bubble sort algorithms, Divide and conquer strategy: Merge sort, Quick sort.

Recommended Books/Material

  • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ by Mark Allen Weiss

CS302 : Digital Logic Design

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
An overview and number systems, Number systems and codes, Logic gates, Digital circuits and operational characteristics, Boolean algebra and logic simplification, Karnaugh map and Boolean expression simplification, Comparator, Odd-Prime Number detector, Implementation of an odd-parity generator circuit, BCD adder, 16-bit ALU, the 74xx138 3-to-8 decoder, 2-input 4-bit multiplexer, Demultiplexer, Implementing constant 0s and 1s, the gal16v8, Abel input file of a quad 1-of-4 MUX, Application of S-R Latch, Flip-Flops, The 555 Timer, Up-Down counter, Digital Clock, Shift Registers, Memory, Analog to Digital Converters

Recommended Books/Material

  • Digital Fundamentals by Thomas L. Floyd
  • Digital Electronics Principles, Devices and Applications by Anil K. Maini

CS304 : Object Oriented Programming

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Introduction, Abstraction & Inheritance, Introduction to Generalization & Specialization, Multiple Inheritance & Associations, Object-Oriented Modeling, Introduction to Objects and Classes, Constructors, Destructor, Accessor Functions & this Pointer, Constant data members & Static Variables, Constant data members & Static Variables& Array of objects, new Operator & Getter and Setter, Composition, Composition& Aggregation and Friend Functions, Operator overloading, Inheritance, Access Specifiers, Copy Constructor &Assignment Operator, Overriding, Types of Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstract & Concrete Classes, Polymorphism – Case Study, Multiple Inheritance, Generic Programming, Templates and Friends, Generic Algorithms Revisited, Cursors & Vectors, Standard Template Library, Iterators, Techniques for Error Handling, Exception Handling.

Recommended Books/Material

  • C++ How To Program:Dietel and Dietel (Recommended) by Harvey & Paul
  • Object-Oriented Software Engineering by Jacobson,Christerson,Jonsson
  • The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup

CS401 : Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Basic Computer Architecture, Intel IAPX88 Architecture, Register Architecture, Addressing Modes, Address Wraparound, Branching, Conditional Jumps, Unconditional Jump, Bit Manipulation, Multiplication Algorithm, Shifting and Rotations, Extended Operations, Masking Operations, Subroutines, Stack, Parameter Passing through Stack , Display Memory, Display Memory Formation, Screen Location Calculation, String Instructions STOS, LODS, SCAS, MOVS, CMPS examples.

Recommended Books/Material

  • Assembly Language Step by Step by Jeff Duntemann
  • Assembly Language for Intel Based Computers by Kip Irvine
  • Introduction to 80X86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture by Richard c. Detmer
  • Revolutionary Guide to Assembly Language by Jacov Izrailevich, Aleksandr Sopin, Semyon Lavin, Vitaly Maljugin
  • Introduction to Assembly Language Programming: From 8086 to Pentium Processors by Sivarama P. Dandamudi, D. Gries, F. B. Schneider (Editor)
  • Assembly Language Programming and Organization of the IBM PC by Ytha Yu , Charles Marut
  • The Intel Microprocessors by Barry B. Brey

CS402 : Theory of Automata

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Languages, Kleen Closure, Recursive Definitions, Regular Expressions, Finite and Infinite languages, Regular Languages, NonRegular Languages, Finite Automata with output, Finite Automata and their languages, Transition Graphs, Nondeterminism, NonRegular Languages, The Pumping Lemma, Context Free Grammars, Tree, Ambiguity, Pushdown Automata, Decidability

Recommended Books/Material

  • Introduction to Computer Theory by Daniel I. A. Cohen
  • Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation by John C. Martin

CS403 : Database Management Systems

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Introduction to Basic Database Concepts, Database Architecture, Database Planning, Conceptual Database Design, Logical Database Design, Transforming E-R Design to Relational Design, Data Definition Languages, Data Manipulation Languages, Normalization and Denormalization, Physical Database Design, Database Tools, Structured Query Language (SQL), Data Storage Concepts, Indexes and Views, Transaction Management, Concurrency Control

Recommended Books/Material

  • Database Management Systems by Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke
  • Modern Database Management by Fred McFadden, Jeffrey Hoffer, Mary B. Prescott
  • Database Management by Fred R. McFadden, Jeffrey A. Hoffer
  • Database Systems: Principles Design and Implementation by Catherine M. Ricardo

CS408 : Human Computer Interaction

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Introduction, Goals and evolution, Cognitive framework and process, Human input-output channels, Computer devices, Design principles, Interaction framework and styles, HCI process and methodologies, Requirement, Evaluation, User, Information retrieval, Emerging paradigms.

Recommended Books/Material

  • Human-Computer Interaction. by Alan Dix.
  • Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction by Preece, Jenny.
  • About Face 2.0: The Essentials of Interaction Design by Alan Cooper, Robert Riemann

CS410 : Visual Programming

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Operating Systems History and overview, Basic C Language Concepts, Windows Basics, Windows Creation and Message Handling, Architecture of Standard Win32 Application, User Interfaces, Window Classes, Graphics Device Interface, Painting and Drawing, Windows Management, Input Devices, Resources, String and Menu Resource, Dialogs and Windows Controls, Common Controls, Dynamic Link Libraries, Threads and Synchronization, Network Programming.

Recommended Books/Material

  • Programming Windows by Charles Petzold
  • Win32 Programming by Brent E. Rector & Joseph M. Newcomer
  • Mastering Windows 2000 Programming with Visual C++ by Ben Ezzell
  • Programming Windows 98/NT Unleashed by Viktor Toth

CS411 : Visual Programming

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Introduction & Administrivia, Introduction to Events, Event-driven programming, Introduction to C#, Basic C#language constructs, Object oriented programming in C#, Properties, interfaces, and indexers, Delegates, C# events, exception handling, Attributes, enums, operator overloading, Reading and writing XML, Working with files and directories, Introduction to WPF and XAML, Property elements, type converters, markup extensions, XAML and procedural code, Logical and visual trees, Dependency properties, Attached properties and element display, Transforms and Panels, Grid Panel, Content Overflow, Panel composition, Input events, Touch manipulation events, WPF Commands, Deploying & Installing, Navigation-base apps, XAML Browser apps, Resources, Data binding, Collection View, Hierarchical Data Template, Introduction to Threads, Tasks & Continuations, Asynchronous functions, Parallel programs, Concurrent collections, Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, DOM and the jQuery library, jQuery events, AJAX programming in JavaScript, Introduction to Objective-C, iOS mobile programming, Delegates and CoreLocation framework, Touch events, Blocks and Grand Central Dispatch

Recommended Books/Material

  • Event Processing in Action by Opher Etzion, Peter Niblett
  • c# 5.0 in a nutshell by Joseph Albahari and Ben Albahari
  • WPF 4 Unleashed by Adam Nathan
  • iOS Programming: by Joe Conway and Aaron Hillegas

CS501 : Advance Computer Architecture

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Distinction between Computer Architecture, Organization and design, Levels of abstraction in digital design ,Perspectives of different people about computers, General operation of a stored program digital computer, The Fetch – Execute process, Concept of an ISA ,A taxonomy of computers and their instructions, Instruction set features, Addressing Modes, RISC and CISC architectures, Measures of performance, Introduction to the ISA and instruction formats, Coding examples and Hand assembly, Using Behavioral RTL to describe the SRC, Implementing Register Transfers using Digital Logic Circuits, Introduction to the ISA of the FALCON – A,FALCON-E,EAGLE and Modified EAGLE, The Design Process, A Uni-Bus implementation for the SRC, Structural RTL for the SRC instructions, Logic Design for the 1-Bus SRC, The Control Unit, The 2-and 3-Bus Processor Designs. The Machine Reset, Machine Exceptions, Pipelining, Microprogramming, I/O interface design, Programmed I/O Interrupt driven I/O, Direct memory access (DMA),Addition, subtraction, multiplication & division for integer unit, Floating point unit, Memory organization and design, Memory hierarchy, Cache memories, Virtual memory

Recommended Books/Material

  • Computer Systems Design and Architecture by Vincent P. Heuring & Harry F. Jordan

CS502 : Fundamentals of Algorithms

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Analyzing the worst-case running time of an algorithm as a function of input size, solve recurrence relations, Basics of Divide and Conquer strategy, Understand the concepts of Dynamic programming, Understand the concepts of Greedy Algorithm, Understand the concepts of Graph traversing, Understand the concepts of MST and their algorithms, Understand the algorithms for computing shortest path, Basics of Complexity theory.

Recommended Books/Material

  • Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H.Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein (CLRS) 2001.

CS504 : Software Engineering - I

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Introduction to Software Engineering and well engineered software, Introduction to software development, Introduction to software requirements, Levels and types of requirements Use case modeling, Documenting user requirements and use case modeling, Use case modeling ,Domain Modeling, Data flow modeling, Data flow modeling, User Interface and prototyping, Introduction to Software Design, Coupling and Cohesion, Introduction to object-oriented analysis and design, Object Oriented Analysis - Abbot's approach, Object Modeling using UML and OOD heuristics, OOD heuristics and OOA using Coad's methodology, Coad's methodology, OOA and OOD - an example using Coad's methodology, Example , Dynamic Modeling using UML Dynamic Modeling using UML, Introduction to software architecture, Software architecture - Krutchen's model, Architectural Models Architectural Models, Introduction to design patterns, Design patterns , Coding Practices for industrial strength software and style guides, Coding Practices for industrial strength software and style guides, Coding Practices for industrial strength software and style guides, Coding Practices for industrial strength software and style guides –continued, Coding Practices for industrial strength software and style guides, Coding Practices for industrial strength software and style guides, Portability, Exception handling, Introduction to software verification and validation, Introduction to software testing ,Black box testing and Equivalence partitioning White box testing, Unit testing, Inspection, Introduction to debugging, Bug classes and effective debugging ,Holistic approach to debugging Summary and conclusion.

Recommended Books/Material

  • The Unified Modeling Language User Guide by Grady Booch
  • Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach by Roger S. Pressman

CS506 : Web Design and Development

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Introduction to Java, Object Oriented Programming, Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Collections, Exceptions, Streams, Abstract Classes and Interfaces, Graphical User Interface, Event Handling, Database Connectivity, Meta Data Graphics, Applets, Socket Programming, Serialization, Multithreading, Web Application Development, Servlet, Java Server Pages, Java Beans, Model View Controller, Layers and Tiers, Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library, Java Server Faces, Web Services.

Recommended Books/Material

  • Java: How to Program by Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel
  • Core Web Programming by Marty Hall
  • Java: The Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt

CS507 : Information Systems

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Introduction, Information In Organizations, Organization and Information Requirement, Organizational structure, Business Environment, Information System, Component of System, Types of System Infrastructure, Online Analytical Processing, CBIS from Functional View Point, Financial Sector Application Accounting & Financial Information Systems, Critical Decisions Making, Phases of decision-making process, Planning for System Development, Systems Development Life Cycle, System Design, Incremental Model, Spiral Model, System Analysis, Analysis & Design Methods, Symbols, DFD’s, Entity Relationship Diagram, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Critical Success Factor, Security of Information System, Threat Identification, Control Adjustment, Viruses, Antivirus software Types of Controls, Audit trails and logs, Risk Management, Control Analysis, Business Continuity Planning, Web Security, Factors Encouraging Internet Attacks, E-Commerce, Supply Chain Management, Enterprise Resource Planning, Change Management, Importance of ethics in IS.

Recommended Books/Material

  • Management Information Systems by Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P. Laudon
  • Introduction to Information Technology by Efraim Turban, R. Kelly Rainer and Richard Potter.

CS508 : Modern Programming Languages

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
• Introduction and Historical Background, • An introduction to SNOBOL, Ada Language , LISP Language , Prolog Language , Java Language, C# Language , PHP Language • Design issues of various languages like Location Of code, Objects, Possible binding times, Type checking, Records, Operator Overloading,Control Structure , Parameters and Parameter Passing

Recommended Books/Material

  • Concepts of Programming Languages by Robert W. Sebesta

    [Showing Courses 1 - 30 Page 1 ]     


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