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CS601 : Data Communication

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Introduction, Network Models, Signals, Digital Transmission, Analog Transmission, Multiplexing, Transmission Media, Circuit Switching and Telephone Networks , High-Speed Digital Access, Error detection and Correction, Data Link control and Protocols, Point to Point Access, Multiple Access, Ethernet, Connecting LANs, Internetworking

Recommended Books/Material
  • Data Communication and Networking by Behrouz A. Forouzan
  • Data and Computer Communication by William Stallings

CS602 : Computer Graphics

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Graphics hardware. Fundamental algorithms. Applications of graphics. Interactive graphics programming graph plotting, windows and clipping, and segmentation. Programming raster display systems, panning and zooming. Raster algorithms and software Scan-Converting lines, characters and circles. Region filling and clipping. Two and three dimensional imaging geometry and transformations. Curve and surface design, rendering, shading, colour and animation.

Recommended Books/Material
  • Computer Graphics using OpenGL by F.S. Hill Jr. & Stephen M. Kelley Jr.
  • Computer Graphics with OpenGL by Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker

CS604 : Operating Systems

03 Credit Hours

Course Content
Introduction, Single-user systems,Operating system components and services, Operating system structures, Process concept, Inter-process communication (IPC) and process synchronization, UNIX/Linux IPC tools and associated system calls, Use of FIFOs in a program, Thread models, Schedulers, Dispatcher, Algorithm evaluation, Process synchronization, The Critical Section Problem, The Bakery Algorithm, Deadlock and Starvation, Deadlock handling, Detections and Recovery, Memory management, Paging, Memory Management in Intel 80386, Virtual Memory, Demand Paging, , Page Fault, Belady’s Anomaly, Stack Replacement Algorithms, Thrashing, File Concept, Directory Structure, File System, Mounting, File Sharing and Protection, Space Allocation Techniques, Disk Structure and Scheduling, Free Space Management.

Recommended Books/Material
  • Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum,A(3rd)
  • Operating Systems (Dietel) by Dietel,D(2nd,3rd)
  • Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz,A, Galvin,P, Greg,g(6th,7th )
  • Operating Systems by Stallings,W(5th )

CS605 : Software EngineeringII

03 Credit Hours
Course Content
<p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size: 13.5pt;">Introduction and Overview to Software Development Process, Software Process Models, Project Management Concepts, Function Point Analysis, Software Process and Project Metrics, Software Project Planning, Risk Analysis and Management, Project Schedules and Tracking, Software Quality Assurance, Formal Review techniques, The ISO 9000 Quality Standard, The CMM, Software Configuration Management, Requirement Management Processes, Verification and Validation, Software Re-engineering, Software Re-factoring, Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI).</span><o:p></o:p></p>

Recommended Books/Material
  • Software Engineering by Ian Somerville
  • Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach by Roger S. Pressman

CS606 : Compiler Construction

03 Credit Hours
Course Content
Passes of a Compiler. Lexical Analysis, Specification of Tokens, Recognition of Tokens, Top-down Parsing, Predictive Parsing, Recursive Descent Parsing, LL Parsing, LL Pasing Table Construction, Left Factoring, Bottom-up Parsing, Shift-Reduce Parsing, LR(1) Parsing, LR(1) Canonical Collection of Items, LR(1) Parsing, Shift-Reduce Conflicts, LALR Parsing, Parser Generators – YACC, Sematic Analysis, Attribute Grammars, Ad-hoc scheme for attribute grammars, Intermediate Representation (IR), Intermediate Representation taxonomy, Syntax-directed translation: assignment statement, Code Generation, Code Optimization

Recommended Books/Material
  • Compilers and Compiler Generators by PD Terry
  • Compiler Construction using Flex and Bison by Anthony Aaby
  • Operator-Precedence Parsing by Thomas Niemann
  • A Compact Guide to Lex &amp; Yacc by Thomas Niemann
  • Programming Language Concepts by Carlo Ghezzi, Mehdi Jazayeri
  • Compilers Principles, Techniques, and Tools by Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman

CS607 : Artificial Intelligence

03 Credit Hours
Course Content
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Problem Solving, Genetic Algorithms, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Expert Systems, Uncertainity (Introduction, Classical sets, Fuzzy sets, Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy inference system), Introduction to Learning (Symbol-based, Connectionist, Artificial Neural Networks supervised and unsupervised), Planning, Advanced Topics (Computer vision, Robotics, Soft-computing Clustering), Conclusion.

Recommended Books/Material
  • Artificial Intelligence by Patrick Henry Winston
  • Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving by George F Luger
  • Artificial Intelligence by Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight

CS609 : System Programming

03 Credit Hours
Course Content
Introduction of System programming, Means of I/O, Interrupt Mechanism, Use of ISRs for C Library functions, TSR Programs, Interval Timer, Peripheral Programmable Interface (PPI), Parallel Port Programming, Serial Communication, COM Ports, Real Time Clock (RTC), Processor Types, Keyboard Interface, Direct Memory Access (DMA), File Systems, Hard Disk, Partition Table, File System Data Structures, FAT 12, FAT 16, FAT 32, New Technology File System(NTFS), Disk Utilities, Memory Management, Viruses

Recommended Books/Material
  • Intel Micro Processor by Barry B. Bery
  • Advanced DOS by V.J Mukee
  • PC Intern: The Encyclopedia of System Programming by Michael Tischer , Bruno Jennrich

CS610 : Computer Network

03 Credit Hours
Course Content
Define Computer Networks, name uses of Computer Networks, and list the basic components of a Network system. Describe other pieces of hardware and software which make networks more efficient, faster, more secure, easier to use, able to transmit several simultaneous messages, and able to interconnect with other networks. Understand the basic technical concepts of Computer Networks. Be familiar with the various types of network configurations. Describe the circuits that are available for voice and data networks, their transmission speeds (bandwidth), and how they are packaged for commercial use. Understand the importance of adapting a Computer Networks offering to meet the changing and challenging networking needs of organizations. Understand how to design networks by using manual or hand calculations. Define the differences between protocols, software, and network architecture. Define the concept of local area networks and describe their use. Describe how a local area network is installed, its typologies and protocols. Understand why networks need security and control, what errors might occur, and how to control network errors.

Recommended Books/Material
  • Computer Networks and Internets, with Internet Applications by Douglas E.Comer
  • Computer Networks by Andrew S. Tanenbaum
  • Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet by James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross

CS614 : Data Warehousing

03 Credit Hours
Course Content
Introduction to Data Ware Housing, Normalization, De-Normalization, De-Normalization Techniques, Issues of De-Normalization, Online Analytical Processing (OLAP, Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP, Relational OLAP (ROLAP, Dimensional Modeling (DM, Process of Dimensional Modeling, Issues of Dimensional Modeling,Extract Transform Load (ETL), Issues of ETL, ETL Detail: Data Extraction & Transformation, ETL Detail: Data Cleansing, Data Duplication Elimination & BSN Method, Introduction to Data Quality Management (DQM), DQM: Quantifying Data Quality, Total DQM Need for Speed: Parallelism, Need for Speed: Hardware Techniques, Conventional Indexing Techniques, Need for Speed: Special Indexing Techniques, Join Techniques, A Brief Introduction to Data mining (DM, What Can Data Mining Do Supervised Vs. Unsupervised Learning, DWH Lifecycle: Methodologies, DWH Implementation: Goal Driven Approach I, DWH Implementation: Goal Driven Approach II, DWH Life Cycle: Pitfalls, Mistakes, Tips., Course Project, Case Study: Agri-Data Warehouse Part-I, Case Study: Agri-Data Warehouse Part-II, Web Warehousing: An introduction, Web Warehousing: Issues, Lab Lecture-1: Data Transfer Service (DTS, Lab Lecture-2: Lab Data Set, Lab Lecture-3: Extracting Data Using Wizard, Lab Lecture-4: Data Profiling, Lab Lecture-5: Data Transformation & Standardization

Recommended Books/Material
  • Building the Data Warehouse by W. H. Inmon
  • Data Warehousing Fundamentals by Paulraj Ponniah
  • Data Warehousing for beginners: Concepts &amp; Issues by A. Abdullah

CS615 : Software Project Management

03 Credit Hours
Course Content
<font size="4" style="background-color: rgb(211, 211, 211);">Introduction to Project Management. Goals of Project management. Project Characteristics. Project Dimensions. Project Life Cycle. Software Development Lifecycle Models. Costs and Cost Management. Project vs. Program Management. Trade-Off Triangle. Project Management Skills. PM&#8217;s Knowledge Areas. Team leader. Leaders and Managers. Project Organization. Software Development Fundamentals. Management Fundamentals. Technical Fundamentals. Software Process Vs Software Engineering. PM Process Groups. Planning Process Tasks. Project Planning Steps. The Software Development Plan (SDP).Estimation. Decomposition Techniques. Estimation Tools. Work Breakdown Structure. Scheduling. Risk and Change Management. Software Quality. Application Tools (Microsoft Project 2000). Commissioning &amp; Migration.</font>

Recommended Books/Material
  • Software Project Management: A Practitioner's Approach by E. M. Bennatan
  • Applied Software Project Management by Andrew Stellman, Jennifer Greene

CS619 : Final Project - CS619

06 Credit Hours
Course Content
<div>- Learning of Beginner to intermediate level programming</div><div>--Test Case 1</div><div>--Test Case 2</div><div><br></div><div>-Software Requirements Specification</div><div>--Scope (of the project)</div><div>--Functional Requirements Non Functional requirements</div><div>--Use Case Diagram<span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space: pre;"> </span></div><div>--Usage Scenarios Methodology and Work Plan</div><div>--Introduction of the Planning Phase</div><div>--Adopted Methodology</div><div>--Reasons for choosing the Methodology</div><div><br></div><div>-Design Document</div><div>--Introduction (of analysis and design phase)</div><div>--Overview (of proposed system)</div><div>--Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)</div><div>--Sequence Diagrams</div><div>--Class Diagram</div><div>--Database Design</div><div>--Interface Design</div><div><br></div><div>-Final Deliverable</div><div>--Final Application</div><div>--Final Project Report</div><div>--Final Presentation</div><div><br></div><div>-Final Viva</div>

Recommended Books/Material
      No Details Available

ECO401 : Economics

03 Credit Hours
Course Content
Introduction to Economics, Normative economics and positive economics, Factors of production, Economic systems, Circular flow of goods and income, Micro vs. Macro Economics, Cost and Benefit Analysis, Opportunity cost and production possibility frontier, Goods market and factors market, Demand and supply analysis, equilibrium, Shortage, surplus and price mechanism, Demand and law of demand factors shifting demand curve, price ceiling and price floor, Elasticities, Types of elasticity, Elastic and inelastic demand, Effects of advertising on demand curve, Incidence of taxation, Cardinal / Utility approach, Total and marginal utility, the law of diminishing marginal utility, consumer equilibrium under cardinal approach, diamond-water paradox, the problem of uncertainty and risk, Ordinal / Indifference curve approach, The income consumption curve (ICC) and price consumption curve (PCC), Consumer equilibrium under ordinal approach, Traditional theory of firm, The law of diminishing marginal returns, the scale of production, The concept of isoquant and isocost, optimum combination of factors, Costs, Types of costs, Revenues, Types of revenues, Profit maximization, approaches of profit maximization, Market Structures, Perfect competition, Monopoly, price discrimination and its types, Monopolistic competition, Oligopoly, collusive and non-collusive oligopoly, prisoner’s dilemma, Welfare economics, the concept of externality, information economics, Introduction to Macroeconomics, The concept of aggregate demand, aggregate supply, The concept of invisible hands and Classical economists, The Great Depression and Say’s law, The Classical and Keynesian views about great depression, labor market, market for loanable funds, Keynes demand management policies, different school of thoughts, Macro Economic data, National Income accounting and its various concepts, Macro Economic Variables, macroeconomic equilibrium, Determination of national income, consumption, investment, The Keynesian multiplier and accelerator, Keynesian paradox of thrift, Four big Macro ,Economic Issues and their Relationship, Unemployment and its types, classical, Keynesian and monetarist’s views about unemployment, Inflation and its measurement, costs of inflation, theories about inflation, Balance of payments, equilibrium in the market of foreign exchange, current account, capital account, Economic Growth, exogenous and endogenous growth theory, Relationship between the “Big Four”, Fiscal Policy and Taxation, Monetary policy, Central Banking, The IS-LM Framework: International Trade and Finance, comparative advantage theory, Problems of Lower Income Countries.

Recommended Books/Material
  • Schaum’s Outlines Principles Of Economics (Text Book) by Dominick Salvatore and Eugene A. Diulio 1995
  • Economics (Text Book) by David Begg, Stanley Fischer and Rudiger Dornbusch
  • Issues In Pakistan Economy (Reference Book) by S. Akbar Zaidi
  • Fundamentals of Economics, Part I &amp; II (Reference Book) by Habib Ullah Vaseer
  • Economic Theory, Volume I &amp; II (Reference Book) by Dr. Muhammad Hussain Chaudhary

ECO402 : Microeconomics

03 Credit Hours
Course Content
Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, Economic Systems, Supply and Demand, The Market Mechanism, Changes in Market Equilibrium, Shifts in Demand and Supply, Elasticities of Supply and Demand, Income Elasticity of Demand, Cross Price Elasticity of Demand, Consumer Preferences, The Indifference Curve, The Budget Line, The Effects of Changes in Income and Prices, Revealed Preference Theory, Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, Laspeyers and Pasches Index, Engel Curve, Price Elasicity and Consumer Expenditure, Point and Arc Elasticity of Demand, Consumer Surplus, Network Externalities, Preferences Toward Risk, Production, Isoquants, The Law Of Diminishing Marginal Returns, Production with Two Variable Inputs, The Isocosts Line, Long-Run versus Short-Run Cost Curves, Production with Two Outputs- Economies of Scope, Economies of Scope – The Learning Curve, Perfectly Competitive Markets, Monopoly, Monopsony, Peak Load Pricing, The Two Part Tariff, Bundling,Advertisisng, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly,Competitive Factor Market, Factor Market with Monopoly Power, Bilateral Monopoly.

Recommended Books/Material
  • Microeconomics (Text book) by Robert S. Pindyck and Daniel L.Rubinfeld
  • Principles of Microeconomics(Reference book) by Karl Case and Ray Fair
  • Microeconomics(Reference book) by Samuelson Nordhaus

ECO403 : Macroeconomics

03 Credit Hours
Course Content
Introduction, Principle of macroeconomics, Importance of macroeconomics, The supply and demand analysis , National Income Accounting, Closed Economy, Market clearing model, Components of Aggregate Demand, Money and inflation, Open economy, Issues in unemployment, Economic growth, Aggregate demand and aggregate supply analysis, Keynesian theory of Income and Employment, IS-LM Framework, The Mundell-Fleming Model, Three Models of Aggregate Supply, Inflation, Unemployment, and the Phillips curve, Government Debt, Consumption Theories, Investment Theories, Money & Banking.

Recommended Books/Material
  • Macroeconomics (Text book) by N. Gregory Mankiw
  • Economics (Reference book) by Samuelson Nordhaus

ENG001 : Elementary English

02 Credit Hours
Course Content
1.Introduction to Journalistic Writing 2.Qualities of good writers 3.Qualities of good writersII 4.Qualities of good writing 5.Qualities of good writing II 6.The process of writing 7.The process of writing II 8.All about words 9.Dictionary-A Writer&#8217;s Language Tool 10.Parts of speech 11.Basic clause patterns 12.Active and passive voice 13.Modifiers and sentence types 14.Reported speech 15.Grammatical sentence &#8211; issues 16.Grammatical sentence &#8211; issues II 17.Effective Sentence 18.Style: Guideline And Pitfalls I 19.Style: Guideline And Pitfalls II 20.Paragraph Writing: Types And Techniques 21.Paragraph Writing: Types And Techniques 22.Essay Writing 23.Signal Words 24.Expository writing 25.The Writing Styles: Report And Narrative Writing 26.The Writing Styles: Descriptive And Persuasive Writings 27.Research Writing and Documenting Sources 28.Summary and Pr&#233;cis Writing 29.Punctuation 30.Mechanics

Recommended Books/Material
  • A Practical English Grammar by Thompson A.J, Martinet A.V
  • Practical English Usage by Swan, Micheal
  • Skill Worker by Mir, Surriya Shaffi; Mansoor, Sabiha; Irfan, Humaira

ENG101 : English Comprehension

03 Credit Hours
Course Content
1.Reading and Dictionary 2.Pronunciation 3.Reading for Main Idea 4.Reading: Topic, Main Idea 5.Reading: References 6.Reading Skills 7.Reading and Vocabulary 8.Word Formation- Prefixes 9.Reading: Description, Locating Information 10.Reading: Word Forms 11.Reading: Understanding Reading 12.Reading: Making Inferences 13.Reading: Assessing the Text 14.Reading: Assessing Texts 15.Evaluating Texts: Interpreting Visual Data 16.Reading: Evaluating Texts 17.Reading: Cloze for Comprehension 18.Reading: Skimming and Scanning 19.Reading: Scanning and Language Functions 20.Reading: Classifying, Cause and Effect Relationship 21.Reading: Presenting Information Graphically 22.Writing: Sentence Types 23.Writing: Effective Sentences: Unity, Coherence, Emphasis 24.Writing: Identifying Sentence Errors 25.Writing: Revising Sentence Errors 26.Subject Verb Agreement 27.Writing 28.Word Choice 29.Punctuation 30.Writing: Paragraphs: Structural Parts 31.Writing: Paragraph 32.Writing: Essay Writing 33.Writing: Essay Outlines 34.Writing: Selecting and Researching an Essay Topic 35.Writing: Ways of Organizing Texts: Linear 36.Writing: Summary Writing 37.Grammar and Usage: Tenses and Passive Sentences 38.Grammar and Usage: Word Order: Adverbs 39.Grammar and Usage: Articles 40.Language Functions: Language Forms and Functions

Recommended Books/Material
  • English for Computer Science by Mullen, N. D. ; Brown, P.C.
  • Skill Worker by Mir,S.S.; Mansoor,S; Irfan,H
  • A Practical English Grammar by Thompson, A.J. ; Martinet, A.V.
  • Practical English Usage by Swan, M

ENG201 : Business and Technical English Writing

03 Credit Hours
Course Content
1.Introduction of Business and Technical English 2.Oral Communication 3.Reader-Centered Writing 4.Audience Analysis 5.Effective Communication 6.Defining Objectives 7.The Seven C&#8217;s of Effective Communication 8.Planning Business Messages 9.Composing Business Messages 10.Revising Business Messages 11.Memorandums,Meeting Documents and Proposals 12.Letters 13.Writing Direct Requests 14.Writing Routine, Good-News and Goodwill Messages 15.Writing Bad-News Messages 16.Writing Persuasive Messages 17.Writing Short Reports 18.Planning Long Reports 19.Writing Long Reports 20.General Reports 21.Empirical Research Report 22.Feasibility Reports 23.Progress Reports 24.Proposals 25.Instructions 26.Using Visual Aids 27.Creating Twelve Types of Visual Aids 28.Writing Specifications and Analysis Reports 29.How to Avoid Common Writing Problems 30.Language Review: The Paragraph 31.Language Review: Sentences 32.Language Review: Words and Punctuation 33.Language Review: Mechanics 34.Listening and Interviewing 35.Planning Interviews and Conducting Meetings 36.Giving Speeches and Oral Presentations 37.Review Written Communication

Recommended Books/Material
  • Business Communication Today by Bovee, C.L. , Thill, J.V.
  • Effective Business Communications by Murphy,H. A.,Hildebrandt, H. W.,Thomas,J. P.
  • Technical Writing: A Reader Centred Approach by Anderson, P. V.
  • How to Write Papers and Reports about Computer Technology by Sides, C. H.

ENG301 : Business Communication

03 Credit Hours
Course Content
1.Introduction to Communication 2.Flow of Communication 3.Theories of Communication 4.The Process of Communication and Misconceptions 5.Barriers in Effective Communication 6.Non-verbal Communication 7.Traits of Good Communicators 8.Principles of Business Communication 9.Concreteness 10.Consideration 11.Intercultural Communication 12.Individual Cultural Variables 13.Process of Preparing Effective Business Messages 14.The Appearance and Design of Business Messages 15.Communication Through Technology 16.Basic Organizational Plans 17.Inquiries and General Requests 18.Letter Writing (Placing Orders) 19.Letter Writing (Claim Letter) 20.Letter Writing (Adjustment Letter) 21.Collection Letter 22.Sales Letter 23.Memorandum and Circular 24.Minutes of the Meeting 25.Business Reports 26.Business Reports (Letter Reports) 27.Business Reports (Formal Reports) 28.Market Reports 29.Job Search and Employment 30.Resume Writing 31.Application Letter 32.Graded Discussion Board 33.Job Inquiry Letter and Interview 34.Process of Preparing the Interview 35.Oral Presentation 36.Language Practice and Negotiation Skill 37.Negotiation and Listening 38.Thesis Writing and Presentation 39.Research Methodology

Recommended Books/Material
  • Effective Business Communication by Murphy, Herta A., Hildebrandt,Herbert W., Thomas, Jane P.
  • Business Communication Today by Bovee,Courtland L./Thill,John V.
  • Technical Communication: A Reader-Centred Approach by Anderson,Paul V.
  • How to Write Effective Business English: The Essential Toolkit for Composing Powerful Letters, E-mails and More, for Today's Business Needs by Talbot, Fiona
  • Business Communication by Amjad,Shakeel
  • Business Writing and Communication by Kenneth,Davis w

ENG401 : Introduction to Literature: Short Story and Poetry

03 Credit Hours
Course Content

Recommended Books/Material
      No Details Available

ETH201 : Ethics (for Non-Muslims)

01 Credit Hours
Course Content
The nature of ethics, The division of the subject,Theories of the Moral Standard, The standard as Law, The standard as happiness, The standard as perfection, The individual and society,Rights and duties, Moral institutions, The duties, Moral Pathology, Ethical teachings of Hinduism, Ethical teachings of Buddhism, Ethical teachings of Christianity, Ethical teachings of Islam, Ethical teachings of Islam,Islam towards minorities.

Recommended Books/Material
  • A Manual of Ethics by Mackenzie,J.S.
  • An Introduction to Ethics by Lillie,W
  • Seerat un Nabi (peace &amp; blessing be upon him) by Nadvi,S.S.

FIN611 : Advanced Financial Accounting

03 Credit Hours
Course Content
Accounting For Incomplete Records, Accounting System in Non-Profit Organizations, Departmental Accounts, Branch Accounting, Partnership Accounts, Company Accounts, IASB’s Framework & Element of Financial Statement, IAS 10 – Events after the Balance Sheet Date, IAS – 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets, IAS – 8 Accounting Policies, Changes In Accounting Estimates and Errors, IAS – 23 Borrowing Cost, IAS – 33 Earnings Per Share, and Group Accounts

Recommended Books/Material
  • Principles of Financial Accounting by Sohail Afzal
  • Advanced Financial Accounting by Sohail Afzal
  • Practical Work Book on IFRS/IAS by Javed H. Zuberi

FIN619 : Final Project-Finance

03 Credit Hours
Course Content

Recommended Books/Material
      No Details Available

FIN620 : Final Project-Finance

06 Credit Hours
Course Content

Recommended Books/Material
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FIN621 : Financial Statement Analysis

03 Credit Hours
Course Content
Introduction To Accounting &amp; Accounting Principles, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), Accounting Cycle/Process, Rules Of Debit And Credit, Steps In Accounting Cycle, Limitations Of Trial Balance, Preparing Financial Statements, Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Expenditures v/s Expenses, Adjusting Entries And Their Types, Statement Of Owner&#8217;s Equity, Closing Entries, Statement Of Cash Flows, Parts Of Cash Flow Statement, Notes To Financial Statements, Accounting Policies, Inventory Accounting Policies, Depreciation Accounting Policies, Methods Of Computing Depreciation, Annual Report Generated By Business, Audit&#8217;s Report, Types Of Business, Using Financial Statements Information, Financial Statement Analysis, Ratio Analysis, Vertical &amp; Horizontal Analysis, Different Types Of Ratios, Liquidity, Leverage, Coverage, Activity, And Profitability Ratios.

Recommended Books/Material
  • Accounting The Basis for Business Decisions by Meigs &amp; Meigs
  • Understanding Financial Statements (Reference Book) by Lyn M. Frazer and Aileen Ormiston
  • Financial Reporting analysis by Charles H. Gibson

FIN622 : Corporate Finance

03 Credit Hours
Course Content
Introduction to subject & Comparison of Financial Statements, Time Value of Money, Discounted Cash Flow & Effective Annual Interest, Bond & Term Structure of Interest Rates, Common Stock Valuation (Dividend Models),Capital Budgeting, Methods of Project Evaluations(Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return (IRR ),Payback Period ,Method & Discounted Payback Period, Accounting Rate of Return ARR, Profitability Index),Advance Evaluation Methods(Sensitivity Analysis, Profitability Analysis, Break Even Accounting, Break even – economic, Degree of Operating Leverage) Operating Leverage & Capital Rationing, Single and Multi Period Capital Rationing, Risk and Returns, Portfolio & Diversification, Securities Market Line & Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM),Cost of Capital & Capital Structure, Cost of Debt & Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC),Capital Structure and Financial Leverage, Capital Structure & Cost of Equity, Modigliani and Miller Model, Problems Associated With High Gearing & Dividend Policies, Dividend Policy & Financial Planning Process and Control, Budgeting Process Cash Flow Statement, Working Capital Management, Cash Management & Inventory Management & Credit Policy, Mergers & Acquisitions, Share Valuations & Corporate Restructuring, Financial Distress and Foreign Exchange Market, Currency Risks, Interest Rate Risk & Forward Rate Agreements, Interest Rate Futures, Foreign Exchange Market’s Options & Foreign Exchange Market’s Swaps, Exchange Rate System & Multinational Companies (MNCs) & Foreign Investment.

Recommended Books/Material
  • Corporate Finance: A Focused Approach by Micheal C. Ehrhardt and Eugene Brigham
  • Fundamental of Corporate Finance by Richard A. Brealey, Stewart C. Myers
  • Principle of Corporate Finance by Richard A. Brealey, Stewart C. Myers
  • Essential of Corporate Finance by Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W. Westerfield, Bradford D. Jordan

FIN623 : Taxation Management

03 Credit Hours
Course Content
An Overview of Taxation, Basic Features of Income Tax, Statutory Definitions, Determination of Legal Status of a Person, Scope of Income, Heads of Income, Residential Status & Taxation, Salary and its Computation, Salary and its Computation Gratuity Received under Sixth Schedule, Income from Property, income from Business & its Computation, Capital Gains, Income from Other Sources , Set off of Losses , Tax Returns & Assessment of Income & Universal Self-Assessment Scheme, Advance Tax, Collection & Recovery of Tax and Penalties & Prosecution, Taxation of Individuals and Taxation of Association of Persons, Taxation of Companies, Presumptive Income Taxation of Permanent Establishment (PE), Tax Returns & Assessment of Income & Universal Self-Assessment Scheme, Advance Tax, Collection & Recovery of Tax and Penalties & Prosecution, Appeals and References & Federal Tax Ombudsman, Sales Tax, Sales Tax Returns, Capital Value Tax (CVT), Annexure.

Recommended Books/Material
  • Text Book of Income Tax Law (Tax Year 2016-17) by Dr. Zulifqar Ahmad Bowra, Prof. Rifat Iqbal and Qazi Shahzad Ehtesham
  • Text Book of Sales Tax (Tax Year 2016-17) by Dr. Zulifqar Ahmad Bowra, Prof Rifat Iqbal and Qazi Shahzad Ehtesham
  • An Easy Approach to: Income Tax Law (Tax Year 2017) by Dr. Naveed Iqbal Ch. and Saad Anwar Mughal
  • Synopsis of Taxes in Pakistan (Tax Year 2017) by Mirza Munawar Hussain

FIN624 : Islamic Mode of Financing

03 Credit Hours
Course Content
Introduction to Islamic financial system, Comparison of Islamic Economic system with capitalism and socialism, Riba, Its Prohibition and Classifications, Musharakah, Issues Relating to Musharakah, Mudarabah, Diminishing Musharakah, Applications of Islamic Financing, Murabaha, Islamic Law of Ijara (Leasing) in Modern Financial System, Salam and Istisna in Modern Financial System, Principles of Sharia governing Islamic Investment funds and joint stock companies, Islamic Insurance (Takaful) Products

Recommended Books/Material
  • Introduction to islamic finance by Muhammad Taqi Usmani
  • Meezan Bank guide to Islmaic Banking by Imran Ashraf Usmani

FIN625 : Credit & Risk Management

03 Credit Hours
Course Content
credit introduction, credit history, credit rating, management of credit risk, credit administration, credit measurement, credit monitoring process, credit risk environment, credit exposures, credit approval process, review and exposure management, data collection, credit review, valuation of collateral, exposure assessment, credit decision-making structure, risk weights, qualitative disclosures, credit risk mitigation, internal rating-based approach to credit risk, supervisory review, supervisory transparency and accountability, role of financial advisor, risk management, insurance and risk, auto insurance, ISO commercial property program, commercial liability insurance, crime insurance, surety bonds, non-life insurance.

Recommended Books/Material
  • Financial Markets and Institutions by Cornett, Marcia Millon, Saunders, Anthony
  • Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach by Anthony Saunders, Marcia Millon Cornett
  • Asset Allocation: Balancing Financial Risk by Roger C. Gibson
  • Credit Risk Management: Basic Concepts: Financial Risk Components, Rating Analysis, Models, Economic and Regulatory Capital by Tony Van Gestel, Bart Baesens

FIN630 : Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management

03 Credit Hours
Course Content
The Concept of Investing, The Marketplace, Bond Fundamentals, Common Stock, Market Mechanics, Fundamental Stock Analysis, Beyond Fundamental Analysis, Indirect Investing, Market Efficiency, Gathering Investment Information, Market Indexes, Convertible Securities, Investing Internationally, Why Diversify? The Role of Derivative Assets, Managing the Equity Portfolio, Managing the Fixed Income Portfolio, Mortgage-Backed Securities, Understanding Risk and Return, Performance Measurement and Presentation, Contemporary Issues.

Recommended Books/Material
  • Practical Investment Management by Robert A. Strong
  • Investment Analysis and Management (Reference book) by Charles P. Jones

FINI619 : Internship Report-Finance

03 Credit Hours
Course Content

Recommended Books/Material
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